Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (2024)

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (1)

Jennifer Dahbura

Eclipse season has passed, but this weekly horoscope may bring somewhat of an eclipse hangover — feelings of being overwhelmed, tired, and wanting to avoid people and situations. And while the moon and sun won't be obstructed, that doesn't mean the astros are at rest. This weekend, we will experience a Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, an astrological transit that has not happened in this sign since 1941. This aspect will greatly affect our finances, relationships, and overall energy. With Jupiter wanting to expand and Uranus bringing sudden changes, we may feel like life is a roller coaster. Despite the ups and downs, it is important to embrace this time and enjoy the moment. There may be breaks, breakdowns, breakups, and other chilling events, but they can still bring enlightenment. The astrology encourages us to embrace our independence and find our own path, even if it goes against the norm.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (2)


March 21 - April 19

Like protagonists in many coming-of-age tales, you may be presented with a tempting offer or a chance to dominate your school. However, it is crucial to thoroughly review the fine print of the agreement you’re entering because there could be some clauses that go against your values. Eventually, like every hero, you‘ll be faced with the decision of what feels right and what doesn't. As an impulsive person, it’s crucial not to act hastily and to reflect on your decision. You may even want to consult with a trusted friend to make sure you are on the right path.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (3)


April 20 - May 20

It's time to make some changes and embrace a vibe check this week. This could involve revamping your wardrobe to reflect your true spirit or rethinking your philosophy about certain matters. Although transformation may be difficult, it's important to step away from security and make a bold statement. Consider adding a pop of color to your closet or allowing yourself to be more carefree. As you move forward, keep in mind that this is a time full of potential and excitement. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and don't hold yourself back from personal growth.


May 21 - June 20

To find a sense of stability this week, it's crucial to ground yourself and focus on what you can control. Even though you're not typically someone who needs to be in charge, the unsolicited drama in your life has made it difficult to stick to your usual routine. Taking a few minutes each day to meditate can help you tune in to your mind, body, and spirit in order to regain a sense of organization and calm. This will allow you to better listen to your own needs and feel more centered overall as you block out the outside chaos.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (5)


June 21 - July 22

Consider teaming up with your friends to work with a humanitarian organization that aligns with your goals. Not only will it bring joy to your heart, but it could also inspire you to take on other projects with similar missions. However, it's important to prioritize your studies and treat this activity as something you can dedicate time to on weekends and outside of school hours. You might become so consumed that you forget your homework when you should be learning to balance the two simultaneously. It’ll be hard, but worth it because you are doing something that betters the world.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (6)


July 23 - August 22

You have been putting in a lot of effort in all of your scholastic endeavors, which has given you the opportunity to start your own programs or clubs with peers. With this freedom granted by teachers, you may be able to design your own school schedule and focus on the subjects you are passionate about, given your good grades. This is a well-deserved reward, so make sure to use it to your advantage. If your school does not have such a program currently, it will be worthwhile to suggest its incorporation.


August 23 - September 22

Spring break is the perfect time to take a hiatus from your studies and go on an exciting adventure. After all, you’ve been hitting the books hard and are in need of a get away from reality to revitalize your brain. Whether you travel with family or friends, it is all about embracing new experiences and having fun. And if you decide to stay home, you can still create a staycation vibe by decorating your room with the theme of your dream destination. Either way, enjoy your trip and have a great time! Also, put your homework on hold. Live!

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (8)


September 23 - October 22

It seems like you have put temporary boundaries up in your friend group, but you are realizing that they may be too strong and are affecting how you connect with your best friends. It's important to strive for a middle ground and work towards finding a balance in your relationships. Consider the type of energy you want to give out and extend to others, and make sure you exhibit that in your partnerships to cultivate stronger connections with those you care about. Remember, it may take some work, but it will be worth it in the end.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (9)


October 23 - November 21

This is an exciting moment for you to embark on a new relationship or strengthen the bond with your current partner. Instead of dwelling on past drama, focus on creating tender memories. To build a better future, consider exploring different ways of working, collaborating with your significant other, crush, or bestie and charting a path forward together. You are in control of the direction this ship sails and should not tolerate any feelings of powerlessness or want to give up on the commitment you’ve invested in building these unions when things get tough. Power through and keep on going, Scorpio!

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (10)


November 22 - December 21

You are finally understanding that it is important to find ways to incorporate things that you love into your daily routine, even when things get tough and busy. This can be a great motivator and source of happiness. Don't forget to also spend time with those who bring you happiness and peace of mind, whether it's while running errands or grabbing coffee during your free periods. Always invite your friends along for the drive and enjoy the moment! Turn the tunes up, tell jokes, and open the windows to feel the springtime breeze. The mundane won’t be so monotonous then.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (11)


December 22 - January 19

Although you aren't one to rush into love, this week is an exception. There are butterflies in your stomach every time you encounter your boo, making you want to jump into a ‘ship ASAP. The all-consuming vibe may be too much for them to handle, so you might want to have a chiller approach rather than being overly consumed by their presence. Instead of immediately responding to every text, be mysterious and send one back several minutes later.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (12)


January 20 - February 18

TLiving with a sibling or a roommate may not be as great as it seems. You both are craving the same independence at home. If it's possible, consider moving into a spare room or getting your own place. This way, you can have the autonomy to set your own rules, such as bedtime, your choice of food in the fridge, and who you allow into your dwelling. But if that is not an option right now, creating your own private area could be a good idea. It will give you the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts and feelings.

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (13)


February 19 - March 20

Feeling inundated with emails, texts, and phone calls from your crew? Instead of disappearing and leaving everyone in the dark, why not consider setting an away message on your devices to let them know you're okay and just taking a break from the constant buzz? It's not that you're trying to avoid them; you simply love the warm weather and seasonal activities so much that you need to disconnect from technology and recharge in the park or in a meadow of flowers. Sometimes, disconnecting from the outside noise is the best way to reconnect with yourself. Keep being present, Pisces.

Related: Weekly Horoscope: September 5 - September 11

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

Weekly Horoscope: April 14 - April 20 (2024)
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